Contact Us
Office of the UN Deputy Special Coordinator,
Resident Coordinator &
Humanitarian Coordinator
Alar 1 Street, Armon Hanatziv
P.O. Box 490, Jerusalem 91004
Phone: +97225687389
Contact our agencies
MAC House 7 St. George Street
P.O. Box 38712, East Jerusalem
Tel: +972 (02) 582 9962/ 5853
Tel: +972 54 3311 836
Fax: +972 (02) 582 5841
Tel: +970(0)2 296 5534 (Ramallah)
Tel: +972(0)8 282 7021(Gaza)
United Nations Avenue,
Gigiri Nairobi, Kenya
P.O. Box 30552, 00100
Tel: +254 (0)20 762 1234
MAC House Bld, c/o OCHA
1 St George Street, Sheikh Jarrah
Tel: +972 (0) 2 297 6285
Gaza City:
UNDP Building, Al Remal
UCI Building,
17 Nizar Qabbani Street,
Al Masyoun
Palestine Country Office
Alami Building,
Rosary Sisters School St.
P.O. Box 51359 Jerusalem
Tel: +972 2 628-0450
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 917 1382
Fax: +41 22 917 0274
Jerusalem Office
3 Ya'kubi Street, P.O.Box: 51359
Tel: +972-2-6268200
Gaza Office
Omar Bin Abdel Aziz Street
Al Remal, Gaza City
Tel: +972-8-2822167
Al-Abraj Building, Flr. 12
Ein Munjed, Tokyo Road
P.O. Box 2154, Ramallah
Tel: +972 (0)2 2959740
P.O.Box: 25141 Jerusalem
Tel: +972 2 5840400
Fax: +972 2 5830806
Deir Ghbar Al-Shakreen Street
Bld #2 Amman, Jordan
14 Rd 280
Postal Code. 11435
Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
Gaza Office
Al-Azhar Road Rimal Quarter
Gaza City
Tel: + 972 (8) 288 7213
West Bank Office
Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem
Tel: + 972 (2) 5891618
Government House
P.O Box 490
Jerusalem 91004
Tel :+972 (2) 568-7287
Tel :+972 (2) 568-7252
4A Yakubi Street
P.O.BOX 51359 Jerusalem
Tel: +972 (0)2 5401340/1/2
Fax: +972 (0)2 5401227