بيان صحفي

International Youth Day: Resilience and Humanitarian Action of Palestinian Youth in Times of War

١٢ أغسطس ٢٠٢٤

Youth represent a quarter of Palestinian society. This year, International Youth Day comes amidst unprecedented hardship for Palestinian youth, in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, but especially in Gaza.

Relentless airstrikes in densely populated areas, forced displacement and staggering deprivation have resulted in the death of almost 40,000 Palestinians- around a quarter of whom are reported to be youth, brutally disrupting the futures of Palestinian youth in Gaza. 

While 85% of Gaza's schools have incurred various degrees of damage, all universities have been destroyed. As a result, eighty eight thousand university students in Gaza are unable to continue their education. The extensive damage to educational, social, and cultural institutions will have severe, long-term impacts on the future prospects of youth.

Despite high levels of educational attainment, youth unemployment rates are high across the Occupied Palestinian Territory. In Gaza, the war has significantly worsened Gaza’s already severe poverty and pervasive unemployment. ILO warns that unemployment rates will continue to rise, limiting the future potential of Palestinian youth.

Centering youth in the humanitarian response and building peace in Palestine

Despite the risks, youth are taking action as part of the humanitarian response in Palestine. 23-year-old Atta from Gaza, a member of the Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) says: “I amplified my voice as a survivor of the war to spread awareness about the innocent civilians living in Gaza, sharing their eagerness for just peace and self-determination.” 

Palestinian youth contribute to humanitarian action by supporting first-response efforts and delivering food and emergency supplies to displaced people. Youth also provide mental health and psychosocial support to displaced people in shelters. Numerous young Gazan journalists are covering events on the ground, with other young Palestinian influencers raising international awareness online.

The UN in Palestine actively supports the meaningful youth engagement. Youth should participate not only as beneficiaries but also as leaders and partners in humanitarian response and peacebuilding. Their visions for a brighter, peaceful, and prosperous future are crucial for rebuilding Gaza, and ultimately achieving lasting peace across the region.

This year’s International Youth Day theme, “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development,” marks the innovative spirit of young individuals who leverage digital technologies for humanitarian action and sustainable development. In Gaza, the electricity and connectivity issues mean that youth can hardly access such pathways. For those youth, and their peers in the West Bank, the UN in Palestine will continue to amplify their voices as they continue to strive to pave the way toward a more sustainable world. 


Asala Daoud

أصالة داؤود

مسؤولة الاتصال والتواصل
Lisa Sabella - HAYA

ليسا سابيلا

صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان
مسؤولة الاتصالات والشراكة والمناصرة

كيانات الأمم المتحدة المشاركة في هذه المبادرة

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Population Fund

الأهداف التي ندعمها عبر هذه المبادرة